Look at that well-adjusted man posing on a chair like he has no care in the world. He has his crap together, right? Well, I have suffered through the works. Burnout, depression, grief, lack of passion, and a 5th thing that I don’t even want to mention. But I got through all of that sitting down, analyzing my feelings, and working on them. Finally putting that master’s in clinical psychology to work.
And after seeing the results on myself, I feel confident to spread that feeling of relief to the rest of the world.
By now, I have worked with hundreds of executives, entrepreneurs, and overachievers, helping them overcome the obstacles life has decided to throw at them. And my clients include people from all walks of life. From people working a 9-5, trying to figure out a way to build a better life, to big-shot CEO’s that slowly realized they were chasing the wrong thing all along.
No matter what you want to create, overcome, or achieve, we can do it together.
Coaches always like to sell this image of being the ultimate God that solved all of humanity’s problems. But in truth, I am just a guy that has seen a lot, done a lot and internalized all of those experiences. And I like to think that this is the main reason for my success.
Instead of being an outside observer, coldly analyzing your triggers and responses, I use a more human approach. I will sit down with you and learn to look at the world through your eyes. See what you see, feel what you feel.
And then, once we understand each other on this deeper level, real progress can be made.
And after seeing the results on myself, I feel confident to spread that feeling of relief to the rest of the world.
By now, I have worked with hundreds of executives, entrepreneurs, and overachievers, helping them overcome the obstacles life has decided to throw at them. And my clients include people from all walks of life. From people working a 9-5, trying to figure out a way to build a better life, to big-shot CEO’s that slowly realized they were chasing the wrong thing all along.
No matter what you want to create, overcome, or achieve, we can do it together.
Aside from being an executive coach, I’m a writer, clinical psychologist, and huge nerd for all things new and innovative.
I have self-published 3 fiction and 1 non-fiction book, which you can find on my LinkedIn.
I am an avid fighter against human trafficking and am working as a volunteer for the Freedom Hub.
I am an advisor and psychology consultant for Social Kung Fu, a school that equips high school students with the skills needed to deal with bullying.
And ultimately, I am a man living life by his convictions, lead by passion and love for the world around me.